Case Studies

Client Closes Process Safety Gaps and Becomes 25 Percent More Efficient by Going Digital

August 05, 2021


The petroleum industry continues to rely on antiquated analog methodologies and individual experiences to interpret pressure tests. These tests are fundamentally critical to verifying well barrier integrity which ensures protection of personnel, the environment and equipment.

Over a decade ago, IPT led a digital revolution and developed industry-leading technology to modernize well barrier assurance. Recently, IPT worked with a major oil and gas company to compare analog methods (circular chart recorder, CCR) with IPT’s digital well integrity management solutions.

The Opportunity

The client’s shallow water and deep water Gulf of Mexico operations were early adopters of IPT well integrity solutions over a decade ago, but the client still had several regional operations that used circular chart recorders, including drillships in West Africa and in several onshore basins. The comparison trials ran on both land and deep water operations between IPT solutions and circular chart recorders to quantify the value in adopting a global well integrity management solution.

This trial demonstrated that the implementation of SureTec and SureView created immediate value with enhanced efficiencies and time savings on the rigs. Digital cloud-based data and archival ensure long-term record preservation, guarantee compliance and enhance safety across well barrier assurance processes in ways not possible with analog methodologies. In addition to the immediate value created with IPT solutions, the client’s value was was protected by assuring well barrier processes and program steps.

How IPT Solutions Created Value Compared to Alternatives

SureTec and SureView generated immediate value on the client’s projects compared to analog methods. IPT measured more efficient test validation times onshore and offshore. The client also benefited from qualitative efficiencies in processes, communication and generating information that could then be applied for continuous performance improvement.

  • Efficient Test Validation
    • SureTec repeatedly reduced test time by 25% as compared to the circular chart recorder on the client’s deepwater operations. This instant rig time savings resulted from application of TCLD, IPT’s patented algorithm for deepwater test validation.
    • SureTec’s algorithms objectively validate tests with robust criteria that can detect leaks early. Utilizing a high-resolution digital solution to interpret tests removes an element of human error that also can contribute to lost time on all operations.
    • The trial identified situations where individuals were holding tests longer on the CCR than compared to SureTec due to the subjectivity of interpretation and lack of data-resolution. SureTec ensures tests runs only as long as required to validate. This reduces both the amount of pressurized time on equipment and the mean time between failures, ultimately reducing operational and maintenance costs.
    • SureTec would have reduced onshore pressured time by 30% as compared to circular chart recorders just by eliminating reliance on human interpretation and by providing high resolution data with objective test criteria.
  • Visible Performance Improvement Opportunities
    • Rapid Performance Analysis: Compared to circular chart records on paper, SureView instantly enabled performance visibility through cloud-based big data & analytics relevant for each rig trial. Accessible and transparent information was utilized to highlight opportunities for accelerated learning and continuous improvements for teams utilizing IPT’s digital solutions in the trials. Granular data allowed for multiple paths to improve performance including working with rig teams to reduce the amount of time it takes to line up for the tests (gap time). Value creation would not be feasible with analog methods.
    • SME Partnership: During the trials, the IPT performance advisor led after-action reviews with rig and office teams highlighting the opportunities for improvement and sharing lessons learned. This accelerated learning and uptake with the new users. The team worked together during the trials to make sustainable changes to programs and standards.
  • Efficient Collaboration
    • Change Management: SureTec provides the ability to quickly adapt and document changes to test plans and operational sequence. During the trials, new users were able to easily track all changes, documenting them in the test report and storing them on the cloud.
    • Secure, Live Test Streaming: Global teams have access to live data enabling collaboration for problem solving and rapid uptake of best practices.

How IPT Solutions Preserved Value Compared to Alternatives

In addition to immediately reducing costs through more efficient and effective operations, IPT solutions revolutionized the client’s assurance, confirming well barriers will perform as planned so that the operator’s reputation and license to operate was protected. The regional projects that were still using analog methods to verify barrier integrity posed invisible risks that would remain unknown until after a catastrophe occurred. Implementing the SureTec and SureView digital well integrity management system created opportunities to close process safety gaps across all of the client’s operations.

  • Ensured Compliance:
    • Accessible Data: Allowed for demonstration that internal policies and regulatory standards were upheld across all operations.
    • Tamper-proof and auditable record: Well barrier history is now accessible for the entire life of a well.

The Results

Prior to the comparison trials, some of the client’s staff believed a “free” solution would be sufficient to carry their operations. The side-by-side comparison left no question that SureTec and SureView, IPT’s digital well integrity management solutions, generated and preserved value.

In addition to validating tests 30% and 25% more efficiently, for onshore and offshore respectively, major efficiencies were gained from improved performance enabled through visible data, enhanced change management, collaboration and auditable record keeping. The operator has implemented IPT’s well integrity management solutions into all global operations as part of their assurance and integrity program, providing peace of mind that all of their operations would comply with internal and regulatory standards to ensure well barrier integrity. This enterprise level assurance minimizes client exposure to well integrity incidents that could impact people, equipment and the environment.

During the implementation of SureTec, a client remarked, “I’m so happy we are making the switch. Using this digital tool and being involved in the digital transformation is critical for assurance and driving efficiency.”

Let IPT be a part of your digital transformation and benefit from the application of digital data to drive cost savings and improve assurance to protect your company’s reputation and license to operate.

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